Akacha Ltd is a creative and innovative Swiss company with a powerful Union Vision for business development through a new approach:
“Skilfull and life changing Design”
Akacha is made up of different branches, KarlaContract, KarlaDesign, , KarlaLife.
With ours partners, we create, develop and promoting powerfull Design, brands, services and products driven by our knowledge from different cultures, Nature and universe inspiration to bring benefits to our clients.
“A creative company of thinkers and makers with a changing attitude”

Skilful & Life Changing Design
A Skillful & Life-Changing Design with the long-lasting value that inspires deeply, based on an in-depth research-oriented to the well-being of people, providing a skillful and life-changing design.
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We develop and promote our brands, services and powerful products guided by our passion for design and craftsmanship.
Our products are a design reference in the contract world for every interior designer, contractor, design lover and media
The passion for my work given me the opportuinity to travel and live in various countries of the world, practicing my entrepreneurship of Internal Architect and Designer, please discover my collection of beautiful creativity of the world.
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Karla life inspirations that improve the quality of life and personal well-being
Karla life is a place full of colours, flavours, scents and inspirations for the well-being of the person.
Read MoreAkacha is a different method for economic development and a new approach to interior design.
I have known and selected the products around the world with designers, artisans and entrepreneurs.
Contact UsWe are always ready